So for those who aren't into sports, the Super Bowl was yesterday. I personally am not into football all that much, for social reasons, YES for the love of the sport, NO. I have however taken notice to how handsome a lot of NFL players are, especially on the Green Bay packers. So jokingly during commercial breaks I would call or text my girlfriends about how we needed to take a little trip to one of neighboring states and mix and mingle a little w/ some cheese heads ;-)
But seriously what really has inspired today's post was the Lil Wayne, yes the " I am NOT a HUMAN" rapper. Not only has this outspoken talented phenomenon openly expressed his fandom for the Packers by creating a Green and Yellow version of Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow song. He stated that he would have a party for the Packers if they won the game. When I viewed the photos from his after party I couldn't help but notice the busted women he was dancing with!
Mr. I like Red Bones & lighter... has some nerve to be so bold, and frankly rude about his skin tone preference in women; he sure didn't do a good job of picking them that night! But I respect Lil Wayne, his ignorant comments about darker women made me think. In 2011 why is it that men feel a certain skin color of women is better than another why can't it be about the individual?
Oh believe me it goes both ways though! I have been told a few times that I am so beautiful, that the man loved dark skinned women, and didn't like light skinned they felt they were not attractive. Honestly that offends me too, why? Because regardless of a woman's skin color they are all my sisters and we are all beautiful in our own way. NO ONES skin color is WHAT makes them attractive! I think it can enhance a person's beauty but it doesn't make you YOU. I have NO PROBLEM with people having a preference I tend to lean a certain way on certain things about men but I would NEVER say a guy is unattractive or not even give him a second look because of his color.. COME ON PEOPLE I am going to need you to DO better.. Ignorance is WHACK!