So for those who aren't into sports, the Super Bowl was yesterday. I personally am not into football all that much, for social reasons, YES for the love of the sport, NO. I have however taken notice to how handsome a lot of NFL players are, especially on the Green Bay packers. So jokingly during commercial breaks I would call or text my girlfriends about how we needed to take a little trip to one of neighboring states and mix and mingle a little w/ some cheese heads ;-)
But seriously what really has inspired today's post was the Lil Wayne, yes the " I am NOT a HUMAN" rapper. Not only has this outspoken talented phenomenon openly expressed his fandom for the Packers by creating a Green and Yellow version of Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow song. He stated that he would have a party for the Packers if they won the game. When I viewed the photos from his after party I couldn't help but notice the busted women he was dancing with!
Mr. I like Red Bones & lighter... has some nerve to be so bold, and frankly rude about his skin tone preference in women; he sure didn't do a good job of picking them that night! But I respect Lil Wayne, his ignorant comments about darker women made me think. In 2011 why is it that men feel a certain skin color of women is better than another why can't it be about the individual?
Oh believe me it goes both ways though! I have been told a few times that I am so beautiful, that the man loved dark skinned women, and didn't like light skinned they felt they were not attractive. Honestly that offends me too, why? Because regardless of a woman's skin color they are all my sisters and we are all beautiful in our own way. NO ONES skin color is WHAT makes them attractive! I think it can enhance a person's beauty but it doesn't make you YOU. I have NO PROBLEM with people having a preference I tend to lean a certain way on certain things about men but I would NEVER say a guy is unattractive or not even give him a second look because of his color.. COME ON PEOPLE I am going to need you to DO better.. Ignorance is WHACK!
PREACH IT! You are so right! I'm not going to say that a mans look isn't the first thing I notice, but when people get so into the color don't they realize they're being racist? I guess they can try and say it's no different than saying that their favorite color is yellow rather than pink, but let's just call it what it is...you are right to be offended, we all should be.